Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Sore Ass

I picked up the new bike and put it together. I rode it. It rocks. The shaft drive is smoooooth. What really rocks about it is the paint scheme. Instead of red and silver, as the show model depicts, I opted for the black and silver. It turns out that is the paint scheme used for their police models so I ended up with a bike what has POLICE on both sides of the cross bar. Fucking cool.

I musta rode 35 miles today all over Tulsa. Tulsa's not exactly easy to ride around in. Lousy roads, lousy sidewalks, lousy drivers. Hills, hills, hills. You'd never notice how hilly Tulsa really is while driving a car. I even strapped my sidesword blade to the frame, stuffed the handle, guard, and pommel in my pack and rode to fencing class. It was only after I assembled my sword and donned my uniform shirt that I realized class isn't until tomorrow. I'm gonna be sore as Hell tomorrow when I actually do go to class. No biggy. It'll make my trip like butter & eggs.


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