Thursday, April 07, 2005

Love A Rainy Night

Coffee in a cup. fuzzy l'il pups...

I love the transition I've made from the old futon mattress to the floor. The dim light of dawn through the slits in the blinds seems to feel better from that angle.
Why can't the gear be here? Why won't things just sew up? They will, I suppose. I've yet to develop the patience to simply let the schielhau fall in the slot.

Had a sluggish night of bouting with the sideswords tonight. One of the more experienced students said it was the cleanest bout he'd seen me in but it sure felt like slopping around in oatmeal to me. One of the instructors served a headshot to another instructor that hit so well, even with full masks donned, it dropped 'im. He'll be all right. We all know what we're getting into.
Tomorrow night will be our last bout with longswords using the German style. After that we'll go to the Italian style. We switch every quarter, you see. I guess if I get some sleep and a dose of nutrition I'll fight a little better.

I wanna go get some coffee in a cup.


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