Friday, April 08, 2005

"'Sposta Be Up Cookin' Bre'fust!"

The money for the panniers was secured today when an old friend bought a gob of books, my FN L1A1 rifle, all its mags and ammo, and I threw in one of my paintings for free. I'll get the bags ordered tomorrow and shipped here second day air. As soon as my other friend gets his tax return in he'll buy the truck and I am then a road dog.

Bills are coming in that I may or may not pay. The idea of this was to quit payin' in, right? It's a matter of principle. I damn-near outright refuse to pay $2.17 plus for gas. Therefore I refuse to pay for utilities other than water. Let the lights go out. Kill the phone. I can update this site and check my mail from the libraries of the world. The weather's just too nice to be unprimitive.

I'm thinking about having a going away party out at Keystone lake. That way everyone can see my rig in action and we can get a little rowdy and not worry about tearing up anybody's place or waking the neighbors.

I guess I'll have to change the name of this blog.

How 'bout "Bubb Rubb's Woo Whisltle Save-A-Thon"?


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