Hind Tit
The day before that my uncle, only 13 years older than me, died at his home in Florida. Cause unknown. I'll be flying down there next week for the proceedings.
Next on the list of sorrow is my "raise". Two dollars more a day. Raise or bitch-slap? You make the call. Maybe now I can afford a Sunday paper to look for another job. Fucking pricks.
Last thing on the list that won't be checked off any time soon: poverty. I just got payed and ITS FUCKING GONE. Everything will get paid but, fuck, nothing left for just hangin' out a little.
Well like I said; at least it rained. Slick, neon reflections, the hissss of speeding tires on wet Riverside pavement, the sheer joy of knowing I can get a full night of sleep if I want to without getting up too early. See? Always an upside.