Monday, October 04, 2004

Camera Obscura & The Beer Swillin' Smith

I've been debating myself on the issue of posting pics. It would mean getting this damn 200MgHz piece of crap to actually operate the software that came with the camera. Since I don't know sack about computers this will be challenging.
I fired up the forge the other day to see if it still worked. It's set up over at some friends' house and I had their kids working the blower while I worked the Ford Ranger leaf spring into the roughish shape of a narrower, thicker bar of steel that will ultimately become a dagger for fencing class. The softwood charcoal didn't get very hot and it didn't last very long so I didn't get very far. I dumped the coals from the forge into the BBQ and put the chicken on. By this time the beer I bought for this outing was half gone. I was the only one drinking it. Not enough money in the wallet for more. Shit. I need a raise. After dinner the youngest of the two fetched my last beer and I had them clean up the mess we'd made with the forge. Responsibility. Direction. Positive role models. These are the demons one must slay in order for children to have realistic perspective.
What a life. Other than money, I've got it all.


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