Thursday, October 14, 2004

Noble Cracker With Floored Noodles

Tonight our fencing instructor briefly went over some of the history of German long sword tradition. In its day, it was, like most other sword arts, for the nobles. One had to be well read and educated. There's almost no way a peasant could have access to such information even if said peasant could read. I think, as I'm hearing this, "Wow. here I am learning this noble art without a dime to my name until tomorrow." This puts me in two minds. On one side, I feel honored and certainly privileged. On the other, I feel like a fucking total louse.
The guy who really formalized Italian long sword, Fiore Dei Liberi, wrote in his Flos Duelatorum something along the lines that this art should not fall into the hands of the peasants "...for they are born dull and meant only for hard work." Or something like that. Hell, you KNOW he's right. We spend all our precious lives toiling with no time for lofty endeavors. No wonder we're so damn dull.

Anystink, after I dropped my friend off from class, I went home to heat up some noodles in the radar box. As soon as I took the bowl out it flopped face first, noodle-side down on the linoleum. What did Mister Nobility do? He swept 'em back in the bowl for another shot in the nuker and enjoyed his dinner, that's what he did!
Hell, I may not deserve to learn the Art but that's the best thing about America. The most undeserving douche bags have it all.


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