Friday, October 15, 2004

Steadfast Plan of Action

A partial cease fire on poverty has begun! I got paid at last. Just in time, too. The truck was past E and I didn't want to push my luck stealing any more gas from work. However, I don't know if I can stretch this check much further than the last one. At least rent, the big one, isn't in my list of bills this period. I'm gonna go for the irresponsible and order a sword. I'm just getting the blade, though. I'll make the necessary furniture my damn self to save on cost.

Takin' it easy tonight. I'm not doing shit but for a little writing, reading, scheming, and sleeping. The ol' grind is grinding, indeed. I work too hard for my pittance. Don't we all?
Slowly, slowly, if I, if we, keep just one simple idea in my/our head/heads for enough consecutive days, I/we can make it happen. Distraction is the problem. Problems are such a...OOooh, look! A bird...


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