Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Trough

Shit, hard times, people. I have another week to go before payday and I am smooth cashless. I've been over at my friends' house eating their food and drinking their beer all damn night. Some how I made it home without being pulled over. Every day's a miracle. Friday, while I was still at work, I waited until the boss was gone and took a company truck to the Texaco with a fuel card and my five gallon gas can. I then filled up the can using the company card, went back to work and finished up the day. When everyone was gone I filled up MY truck with the gas. That's how hard-up for moolah I am at present, but, as you can see, it only hones my resoursefulness. It will show up as just another run for fuel already consumed. This is certainly not the only (or last) time I've stolen, but it is one of the more bite-the-hand-that-barely-feeds-you type thefts I've ever perpatrated. The next issue is food. Tonight was a lucky one. My friend's wife makes the best nachos on planet Shitpile. Tomorrow another friend is having a BBQ. I know this makes me sound like a mooch. I ALWAYS give back to my friends what they do for me so come payday, it's BBQ & beer for everyone on me. Anypoo, Monday thru Thursday will be an interesting challenge to see what I can slap together outa the fridge.
If I come up with anything novel, I'll let ya know...


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