Sunday, October 24, 2004

Jack & Cider

It doesn't even seem like it was last night but it was. I went over to my friends' house originally to do some metal work. Some other friends of theirs were present so, for whatever reason, we went to the liquor store for to buy a bottle of JD. We brought it back and enjoyed it with Coka-cola and ice while BBQing some chicken and steak. Nothing but yukin' it up all night long. We ran outa Coke so we used apple cider to mix the Jack with. Not that great but after four or five more like that I didn't seem to mind. Somewhere along the way my friend and I broke out our longsword wasters (wooden practice swords) and went a few rounds. What was VERY surprising was that neither of us were hurt in the least. My waster, however, is wasted. The pommel split in half and the guard flew off like a boomerang. Oh well, nothing a little Gorilla Glue can't fix. I stayed the night in their extra room on the bottom bunk bed that couldn't survive anything but sleeping.
After I got home I slept the rest of the booze off which took most of the daylight hours.

I've decided the time has come to be rich. It's the only way I'll be able to live this type of life ALL the time. Surely the instructions can be found at the library...


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