Sunday, August 22, 2004

Hard Way

Today wasn't bad after I looked back on it. Lessons learned the same way I always learn them, only to forget upon sobering. The gun show wasn't THE gun show. Only a minor off-shoot. 10 bucks to get in. I and a friend arrived starving. Stupid. A slice of pizza and a large Pepsi at the concession stand: 6 bucks. We don't even get to see a movie. Nothing but beanie babies and crap. Inside I cry rape.
We left and went to the Army surplus in an attempt to cleanse our disappointed palates. I bought a pith helmet. It rocks, bitch. It more than makes up for being cleansed of 16 bucks for one of the lousiest gun shows ever.
I donned the new head gear and rode my bike around and around from 21st to 11th, left across the bridge, left down the other side of the river, right up the hill and right again, across the bridge and almost back where I started. Repeat four times. A little less than twelve miles. Don't try to work it out with my descriptions of rights and lefts, I'm drunk and it all worked out in the end OK, fuck face?
I'll continue tomorrow...if I remember to do so.


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