Sunday, August 15, 2004


It's hard to be a dark pessimist when off time is becoming more enjoyable. I found Route 66 Diner downtown. They're open 24 hours on Friday and Saturday. Awesome food. Old pictures of struggler-saints from the depression adorn the bare-brick walls. High ceilings with exposed ancient pipes and a squadron of whirling ceiling fans. Old cabinets. Old stuff. Old, old, old. Very cool. I'll simply change my regiment for Friday night/Saturday.
Sunday, like today, must be for something else. Laundry, I guess. Shit. Now I want to drink. If I'm blotto, I can't do laundry.
Summer, so "they" say, will be returning soon. Thick heat. Unkind sun launching rays of insanity. Mirages notifying all that every surface is too hot for human skin. Traffic jams like arteries in a fat man sludging and clogging causing all to slowly die.
Just the thought of more Summer makes me want to move.
I guess I'd better enjoy the cool while it lasts.
Even though it's now laundry day.


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