Saturday, June 04, 2005

Pueblo Declares War On PPueblo!

Alright, I went shopping around for a new bike and found one I like made by Diamondback, I name I have trusted since the ol' BMX days. Not some exotic-ass wackyness. I should have it Tuesday afternoon, spend the night drinkin' and ho-in', then cut out some time Thursday depending on how I feel. I'm starting to see lots of other long-haul bikers come and go. It's not right. I started earlier than ANYBODY. I should BE there by now. Fuck around, fuck around.

My rolls of film from Oklahoma and Kansas haven't made it to my friend's house. Probably fucking lost. Hopefuly, after I confirm the address is correct, this next batch'll make it.

DAMN, I can't wait 'till Tuesday!!


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