Saturday, March 12, 2005

Blow Away

What a day. I rode my bike along the river for quite a ways. Just truckin' along not really paying attention to distance or time. I was trying to clear my grape of all the stone walls I've been hitting lately. I made it back to my place after racking up around 20 miles. After a shower and a nap, I now want to go out for a beer, but I keep convincing myself not to go. Listening to River Walk Jazz on the radio, I'm sending myself out the door more and more. Yeah, I need to get out and let my acquantances know I'm still in the game...At least for now.

I'm thinking of a bike ride to San Francisco. Why not? I'd kinda like to sit at one of my favorite bars, The Saloon, somewhere on the fringe of China Town. It's been there over 150 years so it'll probably be there when/if I show up. HEY! It might be a record. The longest distance anyone's ridden a bike for a Guiness...AND it'd be GUINESS world record. They're the same people, ya know.

Yeah, that's the best idea I've ever had.


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