Sunday, February 13, 2005

Twilight In the Grotto

I've been taking pictures during my wanderings at night but, since PC stands for "piece of crap", the software for my camera is far too challenging for this shit-box computer.

The combination of the odd hours I keep, the B sci-fi, and an overactive imagination is putting me back on a track I haven't been on in a loooong time. It feels good.

Ok, is it heavy, dark philosophy time? I THINK IT IS!
Here are some cute little things taken straight from LaVey's "The Devil's Notebook":

~The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
The rich do get richer, but the poor, having little or nothing to lose,
can only get richer. If diligence will not do it, then charity will.
~The best things in life are free.
They may be free for you, but somebody else is paying for them.
~There is no substitute for hard work.
If you are what others expect of you, it matters not
how much or how little you do.
Good stuff, eh, bitches?


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