Fine. Let's Do All the Things YOU Wanna Do...
You still here? Yeah, I'm still here. This dude ranch sausage party that is Tulsa is really grating on my last nerve. Why don't I just leave? I gotta stick around for New Year's Eve, then I can split and let me tell ya, I'm not coming back to this jerk-water for large quantities of time. So here's the latest poop:
January 5thish-Washington DC
January 15thish-San Francisco
February 1stish-July or Augustish-Oregon, Washington, Canada, Alaska (Funny how I'm complaining about how Tulsa doesn't have any girls and then plan to go straight to the biggest dude ranch of them all which is Alaska.)
Augustish-???-Australia, maybe Tokyo, Thailand.
Who the Hell knows beyond that or even if I'll stick to this plan. Plan's don't stick well for me.
Right now it's all snowy and mud-slushy outside. Too lousy for camping out or I would. The temperature at night might get to me, though. I camped in below zero nights while in the Rockies but somehow it was a different, more pleasant, sort of cold. Maybe a dry cold? Anyway,
Tulsa sucks. Don't come here. Don't even pass through. It's worth it to take the long way around to wherever you're going.
January 5thish-Washington DC
January 15thish-San Francisco
February 1stish-July or Augustish-Oregon, Washington, Canada, Alaska (Funny how I'm complaining about how Tulsa doesn't have any girls and then plan to go straight to the biggest dude ranch of them all which is Alaska.)
Augustish-???-Australia, maybe Tokyo, Thailand.
Who the Hell knows beyond that or even if I'll stick to this plan. Plan's don't stick well for me.
Right now it's all snowy and mud-slushy outside. Too lousy for camping out or I would. The temperature at night might get to me, though. I camped in below zero nights while in the Rockies but somehow it was a different, more pleasant, sort of cold. Maybe a dry cold? Anyway,
Tulsa sucks. Don't come here. Don't even pass through. It's worth it to take the long way around to wherever you're going.
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