Thursday, July 15, 2004

On high

Churches. Everywhere. I would bet WADS of money there isn't one square mile in the city of Tulsa without at least one church. Most of them are sects and sub-sects and splinter-sub-sects of the same denomonation. There are more and more pre-fab cathedrals going up every day. Apperently it makes a lot of money. For someone. Church folk say that churches contribute to the good of society by providing fellowship for the community. Seems to me the only fellowship is in the congragation itself, not the community. Congragations of different churches certainly won't work together so each church is its own island of fellowship. They don't pay taxes. If they REALY want to help the community, they should pay taxes like the rest of us. Like all other businesses. Think of all the real estate taken up by churches that could be occupied by tax-paying businesses. Our roads might be in better shape, we'd have more sidewalks, and maybe even a trolley system. You know, like a real city. There'd probably be enough left over to pay everyone's liability insurance for their cars. EVERYONE. Don't believe me? If you've seen ORU and Rhema, you'd believe me. Those two megalopoli of christ were built completely from donations. Donations from suckers like you. Not one bit of it goes toward the physical improvement of the city itself, only the "spiritual" improvement of the city. BUNK.
I should be an evengelist. I can sling that hash all day long. Money for nothin' and your chicks for free.


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