Friday, July 09, 2004

On the Street

I haven't noticed any street performers today. Or yesterday. Or for the last 20+ years. I remember as a kid seeing a guy all in mime attire juggling objects like a madman telling corny jokes and drawing a huge crowd of OOH-ers and AAH-ers at the River Parks.
I remember going downtown when the Williams Center was a fantastic mall with a cinema and an ice skating rink and seeing people playing various instruments outside in the Bartlet Square area: saxophones, guitars, harmonicas, you name it. This one guy was not a performer but more of a service. He was an old black guy who had this contraption rigged to his bicycle so that he could prop the back wheel up and petal the grinder on the handlebars and sharpen your kitchen knives for whatever you thought it was worth.
I was too young to vote on the issue. Many of you a$$holes weren't. The "moral majority", which is neither, wanted street performers to go away. They did now that you pr!cks legally slapped the label of "panhandler" on them. Go downtown on a Sunday afternoon. What's going on? NOTHING! You could lay in the middle of the street with no worry of traffic. I've done it just to prove that point. There ARE, however, plenty of winos to scare you and pester you for money. They, apparently, are allowed.
More on my anger with Tulsans as it continually develops...


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