Monday, January 09, 2006

I never loved you! This whole Time I was FAKING it!

Alright, bitches, I'm leaving this blog for another one. You just don't thrill me anymore. I'm leaving you for
Mainly because it's got it all; blogs photo posting and it's a profile stalker's paradise.

I'll leave all this old stuff here for the sake of posterity.

So if ANY of you have been reading me loyaly, I've moved to :

Later, bitches.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Starting to Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

New Year's Eve. What a fucking joke this last one turned out to be. I couldn't find any helium for the blow-up doll so at midnight I just used lung power to fill 'er up, then threw the thing off the top of the Tribune building. A few minutes later I looked down to see some dude running down the street with the doll under his arm.

Damn, I can't wait to get back on the road!

The address below might take you to some pics of my journey.