Lost In The Found
Hey hey, bitches!!! Miss me? It has been a while, has it not? It's been a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, maaaaaaad mutha humpin ride. I've crossed the Rockies over pinacles of frozen dispare. I've crossed uncaring deserts of ever-changing color and architecture designed by a geological diety gone ape shit. I've escaped patroling micro-burst cyclones vigilant in their blind ear-popping duty. I've cursed god every inch of the wayward way I myself have chosen. The sweating, the salt on my clothes, the bandana hanging off my nose, the miles, miles, miles to find out the road truly goes on forever when it ends in San Francisco but it finaly did and I'm planning more from the rim of a glass at Li Po's. So there's finaly, at the end of all this, plenty more to come in the hind sight yet to be.